Southeastern Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc.
The Southeastern Association of Colored Women's Clubs (SACWC), Inc., an affiliate of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc., is composed of eight states: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi and Virginia. The Southeastern Region was temporarily organized at Bethune Cookman College, Daytona Beach, Florida, in 1919 with Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune as Chairman and Mrs. Rebecca Stiles Taylor as corresponding secretary. Six months later, the Southeastern was permanently organized at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama with Mrs. Bethune as president. Other elected officers included Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown of Sedalia, North Carolina, Marian Bernice Wilkinson of Orangeburg, South Carolina, and Pauline Jackson of Birmingham, Alabama; however, Dr. C. H. Brown and Mrs. M. B. Wilkinson did not serve after being elected because of the pressure of their school work. They offered many other valuable services in the organization over the years.
The theme of the Southeastern is "Reaching Down, Reaching Out and Lifting Up." Three planks on which SACWC was built are: Intensive Organization, Interracial Relations and Constructive Citizenship. The Southeastern Association promoted training schools for delinquent Negro girls in every state of the South.
We, the members of the Southeastern area of the United States of America, in order to help eliminate the many problems confronting our people in housing, job opportunities, education, and specifically in helping our youth find their way so that the American Dream of Liberty and Justice for all may be realized, so hereby ordain and establish this as our guide and light to attain this purpose. We further pledge to always uphold, strengthen and protect the goals of our parent organization, The National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc.
SACWC, Inc., believes in the morality, the integrity, the dignity, and competence of its members. To this end, Federated Sisters and Brothers recognize the importance of respect, the pursuit of truth and the nurture of democratic and moral principles. It accepts the responsibility of individual and group function according to the highest ethical standards. All members of the Southeastern Association of Colored Women's Clubs, Inc. Must recognize the magnitude of this responsibility. It therefore deems it necessary in qualifying persons for membership in judging its active membership, to act in accordance with this CODE OF ETHICS.
The purpose of the Association shall be to inspire race pride, to encourage high moral and social standards, to encourage the exercise of the democratic privileges, to be a strong political influence, to work for good human relations among all people, to encourage economic stability, and to join forces with all advancement of the American Ideal . . . Liberty and Justice for all.